Drums Teaching Tips for preteens

Discover expert strategies for teaching Drums to preteens.

Drum Lessons for Preteens: Building Rhythm and Coordination

Learn how to engage preteens in drum lessons, balancing technique with their growing musical interests.

Teaching drums to preteens offers opportunities to build on their developing coordination and expanding musical interests. This age group is often ready for more complex rhythms and drum patterns.

Focus on expanding their repertoire to include various styles of music. Introduce popular songs they know, while also exposing them to different genres. Encourage them to start developing their own style and rhythmic preferences.

Technique becomes increasingly important at this stage. Introduce more advanced concepts like rudiments, independence exercises, and basic polyrhythms. Use exercises to improve hand and foot coordination.

Keep lessons engaging by connecting drumming skills to their other interests. If a student is into specific artists or genres, incorporate those into the lessons. This approach will maintain their interest and motivation to practice and improve.

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